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Event Description:
The Stephenville Chamber of Commerce invites you to join us in celebrating National Ag Week at our annual State of Agriculture Luncheon!
The luncheon will take place at the City Hall at City Limits banquet facility on Tuesday, March 28th, from 11:30 am - 1:30 pm.
Presentations will include: - State Legislative Update: Sid Miller, Texas Agriculture Commissioner - Current Trends in US Agriculture: Dr. Barry Lambert, Tarleton College of Agriculture & Natural Resources
- Erath County Ag Stats: Gerrit Schouten, Lone Star Ag Credit
- 4-H Youth Pasture to Packer Program Impact
- Erath County Junior Livestock Show Facilities Update - Cowboy Capital of the World Pro Rodeo Facilities Update
Do you have specific questions about the state of agriculture? Email us HERE.
We will do our best to incorporate the topics that our Chamber members are interested in learning more about.