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    Date: February 28, 2025
    Time: 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM CST
    Event Description:

    Stephenville Chamber of Commerce
    Annual Banquet & Auction
    Friday, February 28, 2025

    City Hall at Limits
    6:00 PM Social Hour & Silent Auction
    7:00 PM Dinner, Awards & Live Auction

    View a printable pdf of the full invitation with event details HERE!

    SOLD OUT - Our Chamber members are amazing and we are completely full!
    *If you would like to be added to the waiting list in case we have cancellations, please email chamber@stephenvilletexas.org.

    *Only 400 seats available! In past years, tickets have sold out in a matter of hours!

    If you would like to join us by sponsoring a table or purchasing tickets, please EMAIL HERE!

    Simply include which table sponsorship level you want to reserve OR the number of individual tickets.
    We will be time stamping every email and will get back to you as soon as possible regarding your reservation request.
    Once your reservation has been processed, you will receive an invoice by email with an option to pay online. 

    We can’t wait to showcase all our amazing members and dedicated volunteers!

    $1,000: Table of 10, Choose your own Table Location, Decorate Table of 10
    $750: Table of 10, Decorate Table of 10, Reserved Seating
    $600: Table of 8, Decorate Table of 8, Reserved Seating
    $350: 4 Tickets, Reserved Seating, Decorate Table of 8
    $125: Individual Ticket

    *We encourage you to keep the theme in mind while planning the decorations as well as creative ways to promote your business to event attendees.
    *Centerpieces must not be taller than 24 inches as to not interfere with guest’s view of the stage.
    *Please remember that since this is a dinner event, our guests will need to have room to eat.  Please leave a clear 12-inch path around the perimeter of the table for place settings.  You are welcome to incorporate your own napkins, chargers, and/or placemats, but those should be the only items within the outer 12 inches of the table.
    *Most table decorators provide their own tablecloth. If you need a tablecloth, please let us know as we will have a few extra black or white tablecloths on hand.
    *Many businesses choose to bring gift items to leave at each place for the guests to take home (to remind them of your business).
    *Please be clear in designating which items the guests can take and which decorations you want to keep.  We don’t advise the use of priceless décor on the tables, even if well marked.
    * If you plan to provide wine or other alcoholic beverage as a decoration/gift on your table, in addition to having a label on each bottle that clearly states MUST NOT BE CONSUMED ON SITE, each bottle must also be in a gift sack, clear box or clear plastic bag and sealed/tied closed at the top. Due to City Limits being a private club, TABC does not allow opening or consumption of any outside alcohol in the facility so they have asked us to make sure all bottles are labeled and enclosed.
    *If you have something that you want to light up or move, it must be battery-powered. No electricity will be available for any table decorations.
    *Please note that table decorating is an opportunity to promote your business or organization.
    *No political advertising will be allowed.

    Tables that seat 10 are 72 inches in diameter. (You will have 48 inches in diameter in the center of the table to decorate)
    Tables that seat 8 are 60 inches in diameter.  (You will have 36 inches in diameter in the center of the table to decorate)

    Contact Information:
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